Analysis On The Development Trend Of Talc Industry In China


Summary:With the further improvement of China's processing technology, more global orders will migrate to China, which can not be satisfied only by China's own

With the further improvement of China's processing technology, more global orders will migrate to China, which can not be satisfied only by China's own resources. China needs not only international market to sell products, but also world resources to support sustainable development.

At present, there is a shortage of high-grade raw materials in China, and the price in the international market is 20% - 30% lower than that in China. This is both a challenge and an opportunity.

We should not only consider how to make effective use of China's resources, but also look at the world and consider how global resources can be used by us. From the perspective of protecting China's own resources, there is no reason to turn away the high-quality and low-cost resources in the international market and excessively consume domestic resources. So far, China's import tariff of talc is still 3%, and it is not allowed to process with imported materials, which is not conducive to meeting the growing demand of the domestic market and protecting its own resources.

China's Talc industry has made great progress in the past 30 years, with the world's largest powder processing capacity and competitive strength in the international market. Talc industry has changed from resource advantage to processing advantage. These new developments and changes should be viewed in a broader and longer-term perspective. Some concepts and policies need to keep pace with the times, update and upgrade, and help industrial development.

If barriers to imports were set up to protect domestic industries in those years, now the prices of domestic raw materials are too high, reducing the competitiveness of manufactured goods in domestic and foreign markets. The sustainable development of China's Talc industry is inseparable from the international market. It needs not only raw materials in the international market, but also finished products in the international market. Restricting the import of raw materials in the international market will accelerate the consumption of China's own resources, cause the price of raw materials to rise and the product price to be too high. As a result, more foreign manufactured products will enter the domestic market and impact China's own manufacturing industry.

The survival and development of China's Talc industry are inseparable from the international market. Losing the international market will lose 50% of the sales volume and 65% of the profits. In turn, it will aggravate the domestic overcapacity, lead to vicious competition and worsen the industrial environment. We should also consider restoring export tax rebate according to international practice to encourage exports. Form a virtuous circle of raw material import and finished product export, and develop and improve in the international market competition.

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